T-WING® and C-WING™ Heat Spreaders
Chomerics’ family of thin heat spreaders provides a low-cost, effective means of cooling IC devices in restricted spaces where conventional heat sinks are inappropriate.

T-Wing spreaders consist of 5oz. (0.007inch/0.18mm thick) flexible copper foil between electrically insulating films. High strength silicone PSA (pressure-sensitive adhesive) provides a strong bond to the component. The compliant nature of these “thermal wing” heat spreaders permits nearly 100% adhesive contact with non-flat package surfaces, optimizing thermal and mechanical performance.
C-Wing spreaders are a ceramic version available for EMI-sensitive applications. They consist of aluminum oxide substrates with the same silicone PSA used on T-Wing heat spreaders.
Product Highlights:
- Component junction temperature reduction of 10-20°C is common
- Easily added to existing designs to lower component temperatures and improve reliability
- Custom shapes available for complex designs
Typical Applications
- Microprocessors
- Memory modules
- Laptop PCs and other high density, handheld portable electronics
- High speed disk drives
- Used where localized sensitivity to EMI (electromagnetic interference) exists
- Low profile
- Peel and stick application
T- Wings
- Low profile (0.33mm/0.013in) allows use in limited space environments
- Easy peel and stick adhesion to all surfaces, including packages with residual silicone mold release
- Offers low cost cooling for many package types
- Low application force (<5psi/ 0.03MPa) minimizes risk of damage to component
- Available in a range of standard sizes
- Pliable nature allows conformance to concave or otherwise non-flat surfaces for optimal thermal and mechanical performance
- Light weight (0.039 oz/inch2)
- Standard parts are scored for easy forming and alignment
- Easy removal for device replacement
- Available die-cut on continuous rolls
Testing Summary
Summaries of test procedures used for T-Wing heat spreaders are described below. Thermal performance, adhesion strength and visual inspection were used as pass/fail criteria.
Anatek® Thermal Analyzer: The ATA was used to measure Rj-a before and after environmental stressing. PQFP: 196 lead, plastic PQFPs known to contain silicone mold release were evaluated. T-Wing Heat Spreader: 1 inch x 4 inch TWing parts were applied to the PQFP packages with a 5 psi (0.03 MPa) mounting pressure.
Thermal Performance
Various sizes of T-Wing heat spreaders were applied to a 196 lead PQFP using less than 5 psi (0.03 MPa) bonding pressure. Within 30 minutes of application, the test boards were mounted in an Analysis Tech® thermal analyzer. The devices were heated to equilibrium (45 to 60 minutes) with approximately 3 watt load on 3 x 3 inch (7.6 x 7.6 cm) test boards. Two test environments were used: restricted convention, achieved with a 1 x 5 x 6
inch (2.5 x 12.7 x 15.2 cm) plexiglass box; and 100 LFM (30m/min) air flow. Results were obtained using thermocouples for Tc (centered on case) and Rj-a.
Environmental Stressing Control: Specimens were maintained for 1000 hours at standard laboratory conditions, 23°C, 35-60% RH.
Heat Aging: Test specimens were placed in a forced convection hot air oven maintained at 150°C ±5°C for 1000 hours. Test specimens were then removed and tested.
Elevated Temperature/High Humidity: Specimens were placed in a humidity chamber maintained at 85°C ±2°C and 90%-0 +10% RH for 1000 hours.
Temperature Cycling: Specimens were subjected to 500 cycles from -50°C to +150°C in a Tenney Temperature Cycling Oven.
Temperature Shock: Specimens were subjected to 100 temperature shocks by immersion into -50° and +150°C liquids. Temperatures were monitored with thermocouples.
Evaluation Procedure Visual: All test specimens were examined for de-bonding, delamination or other signs that the tape was failing after environmental stress.
Thermal Performance: T-Wing was applied to the PQFP with 5 psi mounting pressure. After a one hour dwell, the Rj-a of each specimen was measured at 100 LFM and under restricted convection conditions. The Rj-a was again measured after environmental stressing.
90° Peel Strength: A T-Wing heat spreader was applied to each PQFP with 5 psi mounting pressure. The specimens were subjected to environmental stress and then tested for 90° peel strength at room temperature.
This warranty comprises the sole and entire warranty pertaining to items provided hereunder. seller makes no other warranty, guarantee, or representation of any kind whatsoever. All other warranties, including but not limited to, merchant ability and fitness for purpose, whether expressed, implied, or arising by operation of law, trade usage, or course of dealing are hereby disclaimed. Notwithstanding the foregoing, there are no warranties whatsoever on items built or acquired wholly or partially, to buyer’s designs or specifications.
Limitation of remedy: Seller’s Liability arising from or in any way connected with the items sold or this contract shall be limited exclusively to repair or replacement of the items sold or refund of the purchase price paid by buyer, at seller’s sole option. In no event shall seller be liable for any incidental, consequential or special damages of any kind or nature whatsoever, including but not limited to lost profits arising from or in any way connected with this agreement or items sold hereunder, whether alleged to arise from breach of contract, expressed or implied warranty, or in tort, including without limitation, negligence, failure to warn or strict liability.
- Details
T-Wing spreaders consist of 5oz. (0.007inch/0.18mm thick) flexible copper foil between electrically insulating films. High strength silicone PSA (pressure-sensitive adhesive) provides a strong bond to the component. The compliant nature of these “thermal wing” heat spreaders permits nearly 100% adhesive contact with non-flat package surfaces, optimizing thermal and mechanical performance.
C-Wing spreaders are a ceramic version available for EMI-sensitive applications. They consist of aluminum oxide substrates with the same silicone PSA used on T-Wing heat spreaders.
Product Highlights:
- Component junction temperature reduction of 10-20°C is common
- Easily added to existing designs to lower component temperatures and improve reliability
- Custom shapes available for complex designs
Typical Applications
- Microprocessors
- Memory modules
- Laptop PCs and other high density, handheld portable electronics
- High speed disk drives
- Used where localized sensitivity to EMI (electromagnetic interference) exists
- Low profile
- Peel and stick application
T- Wings
- Low profile (0.33mm/0.013in) allows use in limited space environments
- Easy peel and stick adhesion to all surfaces, including packages with residual silicone mold release
- Offers low cost cooling for many package types
- Low application force (<5psi/ 0.03MPa) minimizes risk of damage to component
- Available in a range of standard sizes
- Pliable nature allows conformance to concave or otherwise non-flat surfaces for optimal thermal and mechanical performance
- Light weight (0.039 oz/inch2)
- Standard parts are scored for easy forming and alignment
- Easy removal for device replacement
- Available die-cut on continuous rolls
- Specs
Testing Summary
Summaries of test procedures used for T-Wing heat spreaders are described below. Thermal performance, adhesion strength and visual inspection were used as pass/fail criteria.
Anatek® Thermal Analyzer: The ATA was used to measure Rj-a before and after environmental stressing. PQFP: 196 lead, plastic PQFPs known to contain silicone mold release were evaluated. T-Wing Heat Spreader: 1 inch x 4 inch TWing parts were applied to the PQFP packages with a 5 psi (0.03 MPa) mounting pressure.
Thermal Performance
Various sizes of T-Wing heat spreaders were applied to a 196 lead PQFP using less than 5 psi (0.03 MPa) bonding pressure. Within 30 minutes of application, the test boards were mounted in an Analysis Tech® thermal analyzer. The devices were heated to equilibrium (45 to 60 minutes) with approximately 3 watt load on 3 x 3 inch (7.6 x 7.6 cm) test boards. Two test environments were used: restricted convention, achieved with a 1 x 5 x 6
inch (2.5 x 12.7 x 15.2 cm) plexiglass box; and 100 LFM (30m/min) air flow. Results were obtained using thermocouples for Tc (centered on case) and Rj-a.
Environmental Stressing Control: Specimens were maintained for 1000 hours at standard laboratory conditions, 23°C, 35-60% RH.
Heat Aging: Test specimens were placed in a forced convection hot air oven maintained at 150°C ±5°C for 1000 hours. Test specimens were then removed and tested.
Elevated Temperature/High Humidity: Specimens were placed in a humidity chamber maintained at 85°C ±2°C and 90%-0 +10% RH for 1000 hours.
Temperature Cycling: Specimens were subjected to 500 cycles from -50°C to +150°C in a Tenney Temperature Cycling Oven.
Temperature Shock: Specimens were subjected to 100 temperature shocks by immersion into -50° and +150°C liquids. Temperatures were monitored with thermocouples.
Evaluation Procedure Visual: All test specimens were examined for de-bonding, delamination or other signs that the tape was failing after environmental stress.
Thermal Performance: T-Wing was applied to the PQFP with 5 psi mounting pressure. After a one hour dwell, the Rj-a of each specimen was measured at 100 LFM and under restricted convection conditions. The Rj-a was again measured after environmental stressing.
90° Peel Strength: A T-Wing heat spreader was applied to each PQFP with 5 psi mounting pressure. The specimens were subjected to environmental stress and then tested for 90° peel strength at room temperature.
- Resources
- Warranty
This warranty comprises the sole and entire warranty pertaining to items provided hereunder. seller makes no other warranty, guarantee, or representation of any kind whatsoever. All other warranties, including but not limited to, merchant ability and fitness for purpose, whether expressed, implied, or arising by operation of law, trade usage, or course of dealing are hereby disclaimed. Notwithstanding the foregoing, there are no warranties whatsoever on items built or acquired wholly or partially, to buyer’s designs or specifications.
Limitation of remedy: Seller’s Liability arising from or in any way connected with the items sold or this contract shall be limited exclusively to repair or replacement of the items sold or refund of the purchase price paid by buyer, at seller’s sole option. In no event shall seller be liable for any incidental, consequential or special damages of any kind or nature whatsoever, including but not limited to lost profits arising from or in any way connected with this agreement or items sold hereunder, whether alleged to arise from breach of contract, expressed or implied warranty, or in tort, including without limitation, negligence, failure to warn or strict liability.