Shield Cell & Omni Cell EMI Shielded Air Vent Panels
Ready-to-install SHIELD CELL and OMNI CELL panels provide maximum EMI shielding with minimum pressure drop (air flow resistance) for ventilating air. All styles are composed of metal honeycomb shielding panels in EMI gasketed frames of like material. Panels are ready-to-mount, in such a manner that the frame gasketing is compressed firmly against the shielded housing to maximize shielding performance.

Ready-to-install SHIELD CELL and OMNI CELL panels provide maximum EMI shielding with minimum pressure drop (air flow resistance) for ventilating air. All styles are composed of metal honeycomb shielding panels in EMI gasketed frames of like material. Panels are ready-to-mount, in such a manner that the frame gasketing is compressed firmly against the shielded housing to maximize shielding performance.
Standard framing for all panel designs includes both an EMI shielding gasket and a seal, from a combination of Monel knitted wire mesh and sponge neoprene. Panels larger than 12 x 24 in. (305 x 610 mm) are equipped with cross braces.
Standard SHIELD CELL panel construction is all-aluminum, with 1/8 in. (3.2 mm) cells, 1/2 in (12.7 mm) thick. The complete frame/ honeycomb assemblies are chromate conversion coated. Additional sizes available include 3/16 in. (4.7 mm) cells 3/4 in. (19 mm) thick, and 1/4 in. (6.4 mm) cells 1 in. (25.4 mm) thick. Standard aluminum honeycomb is recommended for applications where shielding requirements arebnot severe.*
For improved shielding effectiveness and environmental protection, these lightweight aluminum ventilation panels are available tin plated. However, in applications requiring maximum shielding levels and greater weight support, either steel or brass honeycomb shielded vents are recommended. (Refer to the previous page, Steel and Brass Honeycomb Shielded Vents, for specifications.)
OMNI CELL ventilating panels are high performance aluminum honeycomb units in Chomerics’ unique configuration. The OMNI CELL configuration eliminates the normal polarized shielding characteristics of conventional aluminum honeycomb, as do brass and steel panels. In place of the single honeycomb, two parallel honeycomb panels, each half the thickness of standard SHIELD CELL honeycomb, are contained in a single frame of standard thickness. Foil directions of the two honeycomb layers are at right angles to each other to eliminate non-symmetrical shielding effects. Each honeycomb layer contains 1/8 in. (3.2 mm) cells 1/4 in. (6.4 mm) thick, for a total thickness of 1/2 in. (12.7 mm). The finished panel assemblies are chromate conversion coated.
OMNI CELL construction is usually the best general purpose honeycomb vent. It provides significantly more shielding than conventional SHIELD CELL aluminum honeycomb, at only nominally higher cost.
In this construction, the outer layer of aluminum honeycomb is slanted down and out at 30°, 45°, or 60° from the horizontal. This drip-proof construction results in a somewhat increased air flow resistance (Figure C on page 2).
All honeycomb panels can be supplied in circular frames, of which two common designs are recommended in Figure D. These are of spun metal or circular tubing. Minimum flange width is 0.375 in. (9.5 mm), with 0.500 in. (12.7 mm) preferred.
Ordering Procedure
Standard aluminum honeycomb size: 0.500 in. (12.7 mm) thick. Select SHIELD CELL or OMNI CELL part number from Table 1, page 106.
Note: Please specify angle orientation relative to the outside length and width dimensions of OMNI CELL panel.
Other sizes, or round: Supply a drawing in accordance with Figure A (as shown on this page). For alternative frame designs or round panels, supply a sketch in accordance with figures B, C, or D. Part numbers will be assigned by Chomerics.
Non-standard honeycomb, or brass or steel requirements: Contact Chomerics’ Applications Engineering Department.
This warranty comprises the sole and entire warranty pertaining to items provided hereunder. seller makes no other warranty, guarantee, or representation of any kind whatsoever. All other warranties, including but not limited to, merchant ability and fitness for purpose, whether expressed, implied, or arising by operation of law, trade usage, or course of dealing are hereby disclaimed. Notwithstanding the foregoing, there are no warranties whatsoever on items built or acquired wholly or partially, to buyer’s designs or specifications.
Limitation of remedy: Seller’s Liability arising from or in any way connected with the items sold or this contract shall be limited exclusively to repair or replacement of the items sold or refund of the purchase price paid by buyer, at seller’s sole option. In no event shall seller be liable for any incidental, consequential or special damages of any kind or nature whatsoever, including but not limited to lost profits arising from or in any way connected with this agreement or items sold hereunder, whether alleged to arise from breach of contract, expressed or implied warranty, or in tort, including without limitation, negligence, failure to warn or strict liability.
- Details
Ready-to-install SHIELD CELL and OMNI CELL panels provide maximum EMI shielding with minimum pressure drop (air flow resistance) for ventilating air. All styles are composed of metal honeycomb shielding panels in EMI gasketed frames of like material. Panels are ready-to-mount, in such a manner that the frame gasketing is compressed firmly against the shielded housing to maximize shielding performance.
Standard framing for all panel designs includes both an EMI shielding gasket and a seal, from a combination of Monel knitted wire mesh and sponge neoprene. Panels larger than 12 x 24 in. (305 x 610 mm) are equipped with cross braces.
Standard SHIELD CELL panel construction is all-aluminum, with 1/8 in. (3.2 mm) cells, 1/2 in (12.7 mm) thick. The complete frame/ honeycomb assemblies are chromate conversion coated. Additional sizes available include 3/16 in. (4.7 mm) cells 3/4 in. (19 mm) thick, and 1/4 in. (6.4 mm) cells 1 in. (25.4 mm) thick. Standard aluminum honeycomb is recommended for applications where shielding requirements arebnot severe.*
For improved shielding effectiveness and environmental protection, these lightweight aluminum ventilation panels are available tin plated. However, in applications requiring maximum shielding levels and greater weight support, either steel or brass honeycomb shielded vents are recommended. (Refer to the previous page, Steel and Brass Honeycomb Shielded Vents, for specifications.)
OMNI CELL ventilating panels are high performance aluminum honeycomb units in Chomerics’ unique configuration. The OMNI CELL configuration eliminates the normal polarized shielding characteristics of conventional aluminum honeycomb, as do brass and steel panels. In place of the single honeycomb, two parallel honeycomb panels, each half the thickness of standard SHIELD CELL honeycomb, are contained in a single frame of standard thickness. Foil directions of the two honeycomb layers are at right angles to each other to eliminate non-symmetrical shielding effects. Each honeycomb layer contains 1/8 in. (3.2 mm) cells 1/4 in. (6.4 mm) thick, for a total thickness of 1/2 in. (12.7 mm). The finished panel assemblies are chromate conversion coated.
OMNI CELL construction is usually the best general purpose honeycomb vent. It provides significantly more shielding than conventional SHIELD CELL aluminum honeycomb, at only nominally higher cost.
In this construction, the outer layer of aluminum honeycomb is slanted down and out at 30°, 45°, or 60° from the horizontal. This drip-proof construction results in a somewhat increased air flow resistance (Figure C on page 2).
All honeycomb panels can be supplied in circular frames, of which two common designs are recommended in Figure D. These are of spun metal or circular tubing. Minimum flange width is 0.375 in. (9.5 mm), with 0.500 in. (12.7 mm) preferred.
- Specs
Ordering Procedure
Standard aluminum honeycomb size: 0.500 in. (12.7 mm) thick. Select SHIELD CELL or OMNI CELL part number from Table 1, page 106.
Note: Please specify angle orientation relative to the outside length and width dimensions of OMNI CELL panel.
Other sizes, or round: Supply a drawing in accordance with Figure A (as shown on this page). For alternative frame designs or round panels, supply a sketch in accordance with figures B, C, or D. Part numbers will be assigned by Chomerics.
Non-standard honeycomb, or brass or steel requirements: Contact Chomerics’ Applications Engineering Department.
- Resources
- Warranty
This warranty comprises the sole and entire warranty pertaining to items provided hereunder. seller makes no other warranty, guarantee, or representation of any kind whatsoever. All other warranties, including but not limited to, merchant ability and fitness for purpose, whether expressed, implied, or arising by operation of law, trade usage, or course of dealing are hereby disclaimed. Notwithstanding the foregoing, there are no warranties whatsoever on items built or acquired wholly or partially, to buyer’s designs or specifications.
Limitation of remedy: Seller’s Liability arising from or in any way connected with the items sold or this contract shall be limited exclusively to repair or replacement of the items sold or refund of the purchase price paid by buyer, at seller’s sole option. In no event shall seller be liable for any incidental, consequential or special damages of any kind or nature whatsoever, including but not limited to lost profits arising from or in any way connected with this agreement or items sold hereunder, whether alleged to arise from breach of contract, expressed or implied warranty, or in tort, including without limitation, negligence, failure to warn or strict liability.