Drop-In-Place Seals
Each drop-in-place seal is designed with the application in mind, taking into consideration the material and manufacturing process of the mating surfaces to determine the most efficient design.
The drop-in-place design utilizes a rubber encapsulated plastic or metal backbone, lined with retention and stabilizer ribs. This design holds simple or complex seal shapes, easing installation and providing automation possibilities. Small contact points require less fl ange loading, providing maximum sealing under minimal pressure for non-ideal surfaces.
Product Highlights:
- Injection molded controlled compression elastomer seal
- Custom shapes, sizes and cross sections to meet application requirements
- Plastic spines to assist with assembly

Seal retention in straight-wall or dove-tail grooves
Each drop-in-place seal is designed with the application in mind, taking into consideration the material and manufacturing process of the mating surfaces to determine the most efficient design.
The drop-in-place design utilizes a rubber encapsulated plastic or metal backbone, lined with retention and stabilizer ribs. This design holds simple or complex seal shapes, easing installation and providing automation possibilities. Small contact points require less fl ange loading, providing maximum sealing under minimal pressure for non-ideal surfaces.
Product Highlights:
- Injection molded controlled compression elastomer seal
- Custom shapes, sizes and cross sections to meet application requirements
- Plastic spines to assist with assembly
- Integrated metal defl ectors, screens or wire connections available
- Cost effective
- Easy installation
- Can be shipped as part of an assembly
- Long life in agressive environments
This warranty comprises the sole and entire warranty pertaining to items provided hereunder. seller makes no other warranty, guarantee, or representation of any kind whatsoever. All other warranties, including but not limited to, merchant ability and fitness for purpose, whether expressed, implied, or arising by operation of law, trade usage, or course of dealing are hereby disclaimed. Notwithstanding the foregoing, there are no warranties whatsoever on items built or acquired wholly or partially, to buyer’s designs or specifications. Limitation of remedy: Seller’s Liability arising from or in any way connected with the items sold or this contract shall be limited exclusively to repair or replacement of the items sold or refund of the purchase price paid by buyer, at seller’s sole option. In no event shall seller be liable for any incidental, consequential or special damages of any kind or nature whatsoever, including but not limited to lost profits arising from or in any way connected with this agreement or items sold hereunder, whether alleged to arise from breach of contract, expressed or implied warranty, or in tort, including without limitation, negligence, failure to warn or strict liability.
- Details
Seal retention in straight-wall or dove-tail grooves
Each drop-in-place seal is designed with the application in mind, taking into consideration the material and manufacturing process of the mating surfaces to determine the most efficient design.
The drop-in-place design utilizes a rubber encapsulated plastic or metal backbone, lined with retention and stabilizer ribs. This design holds simple or complex seal shapes, easing installation and providing automation possibilities. Small contact points require less fl ange loading, providing maximum sealing under minimal pressure for non-ideal surfaces.
Product Highlights:
- Injection molded controlled compression elastomer seal
- Custom shapes, sizes and cross sections to meet application requirements
- Plastic spines to assist with assembly
- Integrated metal defl ectors, screens or wire connections available
- Cost effective
- Easy installation
- Can be shipped as part of an assembly
- Long life in agressive environments
- Specs
- Resources
- Warranty
This warranty comprises the sole and entire warranty pertaining to items provided hereunder. seller makes no other warranty, guarantee, or representation of any kind whatsoever. All other warranties, including but not limited to, merchant ability and fitness for purpose, whether expressed, implied, or arising by operation of law, trade usage, or course of dealing are hereby disclaimed. Notwithstanding the foregoing, there are no warranties whatsoever on items built or acquired wholly or partially, to buyer’s designs or specifications. Limitation of remedy: Seller’s Liability arising from or in any way connected with the items sold or this contract shall be limited exclusively to repair or replacement of the items sold or refund of the purchase price paid by buyer, at seller’s sole option. In no event shall seller be liable for any incidental, consequential or special damages of any kind or nature whatsoever, including but not limited to lost profits arising from or in any way connected with this agreement or items sold hereunder, whether alleged to arise from breach of contract, expressed or implied warranty, or in tort, including without limitation, negligence, failure to warn or strict liability.