Conductive Elastomer Molded Gaskets
Parker Chomerics can mold conductive elastomer EMI gaskets to fit practically any application.
Product Highlights:
- Optimizing elastomer gasket designs
- Allowing accurate predictions of alternate design concepts
- Eliminating part and tooling charges as well as extensive trial and error prototype evaluation

Parker Chomerics produces molded conductive elastomer EMI gaskets in hundreds of standard sizes in the following forms:
- O- and D-rings, flat washers
- Connector Gaskets – Interfacial Mil Spec (MS) connector seals; Dsubminiature rectangular; Jam-nut seals
- Waveguide Gaskets – Molded circular and rectangular (O or D cross section)
Parker Chomerics can mold conductive elastomer EMI gaskets to fit practically any application. With our range of high quality materials and efficient manufacturing systems we can provide attractive choices in price and performance.
Parker Chomerics engineers can rapidly optimize gasket designs (at little or no cost), using tools such as finite element analysis (see next page). Prototype development, tooling and part delivery are performed to meet our customers’ requirements, with adherence to the industry’s highest quality standards.
Custom elastomer gaskets can include tight corners, retention bumps, ribs and other special geometries Many other features can be added, such as fabric or mesh reinforcement, pressure-sensitive adhesive, and compression stops. Non-conductive environmental seals can be bonded to or co-molded with conductive EMI shielding elastomers. Contact Parker Chomerics Applications Engineering Department to discuss how custom conductive elastomer shapes can be designed to meet your application requirements. Table 1 provides general tolerances for molded conductive elastomer gaskets.
Parker Chomerics specializes in elastomer finite element analysis (FEA), using the MARC K6 Series software as a foundation of FEA capability.
Benefits of FEA include::
- Optimizing elastomer gasket designs
- Allowing accurate predictions of alternate design concepts
- Eliminating part and tooling charges as well as extensive trial and error prototype evaluation
This advanced computer simulation technology enables compression/ deflection characteristics and other parameters to be evaluated and optimized during the design phase, without the delays of trial-and-error prototyping. FEA is routinely employed in the development of Molded- In-Place Cover Seals.
For additional information contact our Applications Engineering Department. ments. Table 1 provides general tolerances for molded conductive elastomer gaskets.
Parker Chomerics can produce Molded-In-Place gasket/panel assemblies in any overall dimension larger than ¾ x ¾ in. (19 x 19 mm). Minimum recommended gasket profile cross section is 0.062 in. (1.6 mm), with a minimum thickness of 0.020 in. (0.5 mm) for flat gaskets. Smaller cross sections and thicknesses, although not recommended, can be accommodated.
A typical use of FEA in designing molded gaskets is the evaluation of force and deflection needed for proposed designs. The FEA shown in Figure 1a, performed on the cross section in Figure 1b predicts the gasket’s deflection characteristics and compression requirements reported in Figure 1c.
This warranty comprises the sole and entire warranty pertaining to items provided hereunder. seller makes no other warranty, guarantee, or representation of any kind whatsoever. All other warranties, including but not limited to, merchant ability and fitness for purpose, whether expressed, implied, or arising by operation of law, trade usage, or course of dealing are hereby disclaimed. Notwithstanding the foregoing, there are no warranties whatsoever on items built or acquired wholly or partially, to buyer’s designs or specifications.
Limitation of remedy: Seller’s Liability arising from or in any way connected with the items sold or this contract shall be limited exclusively to repair or replacement of the items sold or refund of the purchase price paid by buyer, at seller’s sole option. In no event shall seller be liable for any incidental, consequential or special damages of any kind or nature whatsoever, including but not limited to lost profits arising from or in any way connected with this agreement or items sold hereunder, whether alleged to arise from breach of contract, expressed or implied warranty, or in tort, including without limitation, negligence, failure to warn or strict liability.
- Details
Parker Chomerics produces molded conductive elastomer EMI gaskets in hundreds of standard sizes in the following forms:
- O- and D-rings, flat washers
- Connector Gaskets – Interfacial Mil Spec (MS) connector seals; Dsubminiature rectangular; Jam-nut seals
- Waveguide Gaskets – Molded circular and rectangular (O or D cross section)
Parker Chomerics can mold conductive elastomer EMI gaskets to fit practically any application. With our range of high quality materials and efficient manufacturing systems we can provide attractive choices in price and performance.
Parker Chomerics engineers can rapidly optimize gasket designs (at little or no cost), using tools such as finite element analysis (see next page). Prototype development, tooling and part delivery are performed to meet our customers’ requirements, with adherence to the industry’s highest quality standards.
Custom elastomer gaskets can include tight corners, retention bumps, ribs and other special geometries Many other features can be added, such as fabric or mesh reinforcement, pressure-sensitive adhesive, and compression stops. Non-conductive environmental seals can be bonded to or co-molded with conductive EMI shielding elastomers. Contact Parker Chomerics Applications Engineering Department to discuss how custom conductive elastomer shapes can be designed to meet your application requirements. Table 1 provides general tolerances for molded conductive elastomer gaskets.
Parker Chomerics specializes in elastomer finite element analysis (FEA), using the MARC K6 Series software as a foundation of FEA capability.
Benefits of FEA include::
- Optimizing elastomer gasket designs
- Allowing accurate predictions of alternate design concepts
- Eliminating part and tooling charges as well as extensive trial and error prototype evaluation
This advanced computer simulation technology enables compression/ deflection characteristics and other parameters to be evaluated and optimized during the design phase, without the delays of trial-and-error prototyping. FEA is routinely employed in the development of Molded- In-Place Cover Seals.
For additional information contact our Applications Engineering Department. ments. Table 1 provides general tolerances for molded conductive elastomer gaskets.
- Specs
Parker Chomerics can produce Molded-In-Place gasket/panel assemblies in any overall dimension larger than ¾ x ¾ in. (19 x 19 mm). Minimum recommended gasket profile cross section is 0.062 in. (1.6 mm), with a minimum thickness of 0.020 in. (0.5 mm) for flat gaskets. Smaller cross sections and thicknesses, although not recommended, can be accommodated.
A typical use of FEA in designing molded gaskets is the evaluation of force and deflection needed for proposed designs. The FEA shown in Figure 1a, performed on the cross section in Figure 1b predicts the gasket’s deflection characteristics and compression requirements reported in Figure 1c. - Resources
- Warranty
This warranty comprises the sole and entire warranty pertaining to items provided hereunder. seller makes no other warranty, guarantee, or representation of any kind whatsoever. All other warranties, including but not limited to, merchant ability and fitness for purpose, whether expressed, implied, or arising by operation of law, trade usage, or course of dealing are hereby disclaimed. Notwithstanding the foregoing, there are no warranties whatsoever on items built or acquired wholly or partially, to buyer’s designs or specifications.
Limitation of remedy: Seller’s Liability arising from or in any way connected with the items sold or this contract shall be limited exclusively to repair or replacement of the items sold or refund of the purchase price paid by buyer, at seller’s sole option. In no event shall seller be liable for any incidental, consequential or special damages of any kind or nature whatsoever, including but not limited to lost profits arising from or in any way connected with this agreement or items sold hereunder, whether alleged to arise from breach of contract, expressed or implied warranty, or in tort, including without limitation, negligence, failure to warn or strict liability.