Cho-Shrink 1120
Chomerics’ Silver Plated Copper CHO-SHRINK 1120 is formulated and manufactured for commercial EMI cable shielding applications to provide a low cost, light weight, 360° EMI shielding for cables, transitions, connectors and terminations. CHO-SHRINK’s ease of application reduces assembly costs and provides a reliable, professional looking EMI cable shielding solution for electronic equipment. CHO-SHRINK also provides an effective shielding solution which simplifi es connector and termination designs. The product consists of polyolefi n heat shrink- able tubing, connector boots, and transition pieces that are coated with Chomerics’ unique silver-plated copper fi lled coating system.
Product Highlights:
- Good 360° cable shielding effectiveness performance, 50 – 60 dB attenuation above 500 MHz
- Provides professional looking appearance to cable shielding solutions
- Simplifi es connector and transition shielding designs

Product Features
- Good 360° cable shielding effectiveness performance, 50 – 60 dB attenuation above 500 MHz
- Provides professional looking appearance to cable shielding solutions
- Simplifi es connector and transition shielding designs
- Easy installation and assembly with conventional heat guns and ovens
- Professional appearance
- Excellent seal against moisture and contaminants
- Complex cable assembly EMI shielding possible with a wide selection of cable transitions, including T, Y, and other custom shapes
- Standard (stocked) lengths for tubing are 4 feet. Transition tubing sections are available for longer lengths.
- Unique coating system can be applied internal or external to the heat shrinkable tubing
- Weight savings from 40 – 65% vs. conventional braided mesh shielding systems with labor savings as well
- CHO-SHRINK cable assemblies remain fl exible after installation
- CHO-SHRINK connector boots provide EMI shielding, cable shield grounding, and strain relief at connector backshell terminations.
- CHO-SHRINK boots shrink to a wide range of cable diameters (shrink ratio is 4:1 at the cable end). They can be supplied with a conductive hot melt adhesive/sealant applied to each end.
- Mil-R-46846 Polyolefi n Tubing and Boots
Application Instructions
- One of the major advantages of the CHO-SHRINK EMI cable shielding system over conventional metal shielding is its ease of assembly. The following has been prepared as a guide to the proper application and assembly of CHO-SHRINK tubing, connector boots, and transitions.
- All CHO-SHRINK products may be recovered (shrunk) with the same heating equipment used on ordinary nonconductive shrinkable plastics. Hot air blowers and infrared heating devices provide the simplest method of shrinking. Ovens may be used to recover tubing, but boots, transitions and other molded parts often require some hand positioning during the shrinking process to assure correct alignment. Shrink temperatures should not exceed 375°F. Care should be taken to shrink the product slowly and uniformly. Exceeding 375°F (191°C) may cause a loss of shielding integrity.
- To achieve a good mechanical grip between CHO-SHRINK boots and connector backshells, Chomerics strongly recommends the use of Shrink Boot Adapters, which provide a knurled and grooved surface to enhance resistance to torque, snap-off and pull-off stresses. Tie-wraps should also be applied.
- CHO-SHRINK molded parts are available with a highly conductive hot-melt adhesive/sealant at each opening. This hot melt will fl ow during shrinking to provide an effective environmental seal without degrading EMI shielding characteristics. If excess sealant fl ows outside the molded part during recovery, it can be easily wiped away while still warm.
- The only assembly procedure peculiar to CHO-SHRINK is the necessity to maintain electrical continuity through conductive inside surfaces from connector to connector. Where two CHO-SHRINK parts meet (boot/tubing, tubing/transition, etc.), a continuity splice must be achieved. This is accomplished by using CHO-SHRINK splice sleeves, which are short lengths of CHO-SHRINK tubing with a conductive outside surface.
- For optimal shielding performance, be sure to terminate the shield at both ends with full 360° contact to a low impedance ground. Incorporate mechanical strain relief into the cable design itself. That is, avoid stretching and bending the cable excessively. Transition pieces should be generous to preserve continuity at all junction points.
This warranty comprises the sole and entire warranty pertaining to items provided hereunder. seller makes no other warranty, guarantee, or representation of any kind whatsoever. All other warranties, including but not limited to, merchant ability and fitness for purpose, whether expressed, implied, or arising by operation of law, trade usage, or course of dealing are hereby disclaimed. Notwithstanding the foregoing, there are no warranties whatsoever on items built or acquired wholly or partially, to buyer’s designs or specifications.
Limitation of remedy: Seller’s Liability arising from or in any way connected with the items sold or this contract shall be limited exclusively to repair or replacement of the items sold or refund of the purchase price paid by buyer, at seller’s sole option. In no event shall seller be liable for any incidental, consequential or special damages of any kind or nature whatsoever, including but not limited to lost profits arising from or in any way connected with this agreement or items sold hereunder, whether alleged to arise from breach of contract, expressed or implied warranty, or in tort, including without limitation, negligence, failure to warn or strict liability.
- Details
Product Features
- Good 360° cable shielding effectiveness performance, 50 – 60 dB attenuation above 500 MHz
- Provides professional looking appearance to cable shielding solutions
- Simplifi es connector and transition shielding designs
- Easy installation and assembly with conventional heat guns and ovens
- Professional appearance
- Excellent seal against moisture and contaminants
- Complex cable assembly EMI shielding possible with a wide selection of cable transitions, including T, Y, and other custom shapes
- Standard (stocked) lengths for tubing are 4 feet. Transition tubing sections are available for longer lengths.
- Unique coating system can be applied internal or external to the heat shrinkable tubing
- Weight savings from 40 – 65% vs. conventional braided mesh shielding systems with labor savings as well
- CHO-SHRINK cable assemblies remain fl exible after installation
- CHO-SHRINK connector boots provide EMI shielding, cable shield grounding, and strain relief at connector backshell terminations.
- CHO-SHRINK boots shrink to a wide range of cable diameters (shrink ratio is 4:1 at the cable end). They can be supplied with a conductive hot melt adhesive/sealant applied to each end.
- Mil-R-46846 Polyolefi n Tubing and Boots
Application Instructions
- One of the major advantages of the CHO-SHRINK EMI cable shielding system over conventional metal shielding is its ease of assembly. The following has been prepared as a guide to the proper application and assembly of CHO-SHRINK tubing, connector boots, and transitions.
- All CHO-SHRINK products may be recovered (shrunk) with the same heating equipment used on ordinary nonconductive shrinkable plastics. Hot air blowers and infrared heating devices provide the simplest method of shrinking. Ovens may be used to recover tubing, but boots, transitions and other molded parts often require some hand positioning during the shrinking process to assure correct alignment. Shrink temperatures should not exceed 375°F. Care should be taken to shrink the product slowly and uniformly. Exceeding 375°F (191°C) may cause a loss of shielding integrity.
- To achieve a good mechanical grip between CHO-SHRINK boots and connector backshells, Chomerics strongly recommends the use of Shrink Boot Adapters, which provide a knurled and grooved surface to enhance resistance to torque, snap-off and pull-off stresses. Tie-wraps should also be applied.
- CHO-SHRINK molded parts are available with a highly conductive hot-melt adhesive/sealant at each opening. This hot melt will fl ow during shrinking to provide an effective environmental seal without degrading EMI shielding characteristics. If excess sealant fl ows outside the molded part during recovery, it can be easily wiped away while still warm.
- The only assembly procedure peculiar to CHO-SHRINK is the necessity to maintain electrical continuity through conductive inside surfaces from connector to connector. Where two CHO-SHRINK parts meet (boot/tubing, tubing/transition, etc.), a continuity splice must be achieved. This is accomplished by using CHO-SHRINK splice sleeves, which are short lengths of CHO-SHRINK tubing with a conductive outside surface.
- For optimal shielding performance, be sure to terminate the shield at both ends with full 360° contact to a low impedance ground. Incorporate mechanical strain relief into the cable design itself. That is, avoid stretching and bending the cable excessively. Transition pieces should be generous to preserve continuity at all junction points.
- Specs
- Resources
- Warranty
This warranty comprises the sole and entire warranty pertaining to items provided hereunder. seller makes no other warranty, guarantee, or representation of any kind whatsoever. All other warranties, including but not limited to, merchant ability and fitness for purpose, whether expressed, implied, or arising by operation of law, trade usage, or course of dealing are hereby disclaimed. Notwithstanding the foregoing, there are no warranties whatsoever on items built or acquired wholly or partially, to buyer’s designs or specifications.
Limitation of remedy: Seller’s Liability arising from or in any way connected with the items sold or this contract shall be limited exclusively to repair or replacement of the items sold or refund of the purchase price paid by buyer, at seller’s sole option. In no event shall seller be liable for any incidental, consequential or special damages of any kind or nature whatsoever, including but not limited to lost profits arising from or in any way connected with this agreement or items sold hereunder, whether alleged to arise from breach of contract, expressed or implied warranty, or in tort, including without limitation, negligence, failure to warn or strict liability.